Your help is desperately needed for animal victims of Typhoon HaiyanYour help is desperately needed for animal victims of Typhoon HaiyanYou will have seen and heard of the devastating super typhoon that has ripped across the Philippines.People are doing their best to survive, but thousands of animals – dogs, cats, and farm animals – also have to face the chaos. Wounded and in danger of starving to death, they need urgent help. Just like people, they could lose their lives to disease from filthy water, hypothermia and injury. A gift of £20.00 from you could help the World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) help them.

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It is estimated that 10,000 people have already died and 11.3 million people have been affected. The humanitarian response has been noble, with aid on its way and overwhelming generosity from the UK public – but with humans as the priority – WSPA needs your help to be there for the animals. Please help WSPA by giving £20.00 that could provide food, clean water and veterinary care.

You can save lives

These animals need veterinary care, medicines, food, water and shelter. Our Disaster Response Team is on the ground to provide critical care to these animals struggling for survival in the Philippines but we urgently need your help.

Every day that’s lost, more animals are dying. Help WSPA’s Disaster Response Team save as many animals as possible by giving £20.00.

Suzi Morris

Suzi Morris
Director, WSPA UK

PS We have no time to lose – please make an urgent donation today. Every penny you give to WSPA’s Disaster Fund will be dedicated to helping the animal victims of disaster.


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Our reference is: 13119EMA004


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